From the feedback forms we've got back so far, it really stands out just how valuable the shared experience of going on the trip with your own family has been to the children, parents and extended family members involved.
Meanwhile David has started typing up the feedback and putting the full colour versions into profiles, so if you haven't got yours in, please do so a.s.a.p. while the memories still fresh.
Examples of what made the day special.
"Mummy being there."
"A great joy going to the beach with my grand-daughter."
"Going on the bus."
"Excited about the starfish and crabs."
"Building sand castles."
A special thankyou to everyone who was able to come with us.
We'd love to put up some close up photos of the joyful faces, but we're still working through internet permissions, so here's some of the friends we saw and some long range shots.
A great fish castle.