Hunter Park Kindergarten
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Check out ArtRage2 (starter edition) at
It's a New Zealand programme.
While you're checking artrage 2 out you might like to search for software avaliable on line at
This is a government education site that'll search you out lots of cool stuff.
One of the new ideas I brought back that we're keen to try is to put up our children's art onto the blog. There's lots of wall space on the web.
Another idea is making movies, already one family has taken the video camera home and a short dvd about riding a bike without training wheels has been produced.
Then following on from the bike movie, one of the children watching it talked to me about making a fairytopia dvd, so together we made up a story board drawing pictures to represent her story, then I improvised a script for her and her volunteer actors as they acted it out. Add in some editing and we had our own fairy movie.
Maybe we'll make costumes and re shot it, maybe the children will create their own scripts and more movies, who can tell what will happen as we get more experienced.
We also recorded onto DVD some of the great thinking going on as a group of children set out to catch a mouse they had decided was under the shed and various other places.
If you're wondering about browsign the web with children (never a good idea to push the next blog button I'm told) go to, this is a non profit group doing great stuff.
If you're wondering what other kindergartens do check out, they where one of New Zealand's first kindergartens to blog and they also have some advise about safe blogging.
safe blogging everyone and remember to post a comment!
Tricky the clown

Te wiki o te reo Mäori
Each word in broken into syllables, each syllable ends after the vowel
So Köhungahunga
Is ko-hu-nga-hu-nga.
Ko-as in core
Hu as in hoo
Nga as in singah
Hu as in hoo
Nga as in singah
Try and catch repeating syllable combinations as this can help your pronunciation, in this case, hunga-hunga.
The macron above a vowel eg ö indicates it’s a long vowel with an extended sound.
Here’s some common sounds, unless a part is underlined it’s said as if for the whole word.
Ra as in rah
Re as in rare
Ru as in roo
Ri as in Regard
Ro as in raw
Ta as in tar
Ti as in tea
Te as in tear
To as in tore
Tu as in too
Ka as in car
Ko as in core
Ku as in koo
Ki as in key
Ke as in care
Me as in men
Ma as in mah
Mo as in maw
Mi as in me
Mu as in moo
Ha as in hah
He as in hear
Hu as in hoo
Hi as in he
Ho as in haw
Ö as in or
E as in air
A as in ah
I as in ee
U as in oo
Nga as in singah
Wha as in far
Hea as in hair
Täu as in toe
Kau as in co
Nei as in neigh
And some phrases
E hia ö matimati? –How many fingers/toes/digits (matimati) do you have?
Tekau ö matimati – You’ve got ten fingers
He tekau nga matimati ahau –I have 10 fingers (my own phrasing)
Me kaute täua ke te tekau – Let’s count to ten
You might like to visit
Or an online dictionary and phrase guide.
Have fun and enjoy te reo Mäori
Friday, July 4, 2008
Roastie Warm

After our Matariki feast Adrianne was really keen to do a roast dinner to mark the end of term two.
What a great idea.
The children glazed the leg of lamb, cut potatoes, carrots and kumara, prepared peas, silver beet and fruit kebabs for dessert.
A debate broke out between two of the boys on whether or not to keep the white bit on the silver beet.
"you eat it all"
"No you don't you cut the white bit out."
Then Adrianne roasted some potatoes and mashed others for variety.
One of our dads accepted the open invitation to join us much to his daughter's delight. "It was all she could talk about," said mum. Remember you're all welcome.
Having helped prepared it we were really impressed with how well the children all ate it, even reluctant children were prepared to give new things a try.
Naturally Adrianne recycled the scraps and the worms got a good feed too. Must be some good vermajuice there now, as we've made the second story.
Adrianne is keen to continue with the special dinners once a term, with different ideas each time. So far it's been international food, Matariki and roastie warm, what will be next? If you have an idea remember to share it with us
Fire and Ice
Last Thursday we had a real downpour at 2:31, torrential rain followed by hail. I saved some of the hail in the freezer and brought it out for the children to investigate today. We examined the little pellets, felt them melt into water, I talked about how they were made. Then one of the children picked up the magnifying glass for a better look, before offering it around.
When it was my turn I used the glass to focus the winter sun onto the stones and melt the ice. As it melted the water vaporized, then hitting the cold air in the cave that had formed it condensed straight back into a miniature snow storm. The snow whirled around and glistened in the magnifying glass’s solar beam.
It was so cool and hot at the same time.
The children carefully investigated the hot spot with their fingers, while others watched. “It’s hot!” They exclaimed. –David
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Reminder about pickup times
Last Friday 27/6/8 we all got a good reminder of pick up time the other day when on the dot of 2:31pm the heavens opened up and we had hail, floods and rain, "see what happens when you get here late." :)
That said if you're going to be late, don't rush to get here, we'd rather you just get here safely.
Let us know if you can when you do get held up and but don't worry about running in on days like this, just stay in you car till the downpour stops, just try not to make a habit of it.
As to Friday we had a number of brave parents who came in only to be trapped in the building by the rain, but it wasn't a problem, it slowed down eventually.
And remember to please help yourself to tea and coffee, while waiting.

Hair Cutting
Aquarium Trip 2008

Boxy the box tortoise -Honu whenua and Fluffy the terrapin (honu tai honu uta-not sure on this one had to make it up.)

Blue tongued skink mokomoko

Shark seven gilled, tuatini

Sea Turtle -Honu

Sea horse - Manaia

The puppet shark form the story we heard about Hinemoana. Thanks to a creative communities grant a few years back we were able to put our own sea puppets out the next day, for the children to reinact the story.

Clown fish -Ika hako (made this one up too.)
Nemo, or nemo's dad Merlin. (One of the children brought in a dvd case of Nemo to share for news after the trip.)

Kiwi- And guess what the mother kiwi had just laid an egg, but as she was a bit young it was underweight it probably won't be fertile. (Under weight = not the normal 1/3 of her body mass, "like a human giving birth to a ten year old.")

Then we discovered a dinosaur exhibit at the top of the stairs and turn left. The one from the museum. Mosasaur? Mokoweri

Water Dragons -moko

Dory from nemo

Crayfish -Koura
"Andy" the diver Kairuku