
With the children's art split up into 60 lots of 3-4 paintings, and further adult painitngs arriving from Sarah Simmons and Jenny Price we were ready to go. Brian Bee kindly donated his time to act as auctioneer and the great auction began. Adrianne had a long list of bids from parents who couldn't make it, as did a few of the parents who came, and boy did she work those bids hard!

we started, bidding was hot, the first lot went quietly at $16, the second jumped to $39 and soon prices were soaring with around nine lots breaking the $50 mark for childrens work, including one single lot, a group canvas that went for $54. In the end the top lot in the children's art in the end went for $66 featuring a stunning collection of canvas's and it wasn't just parents who were bidding.

In the adult section, our mysterious JN painter's two water colours went for a bargin $62 along with a tip from Caroline as to who might have painted it. Our teacher's collected works fetched a respectable $68 just pipping the top child artists, and the Laura Wilson framed Pukeko watercolour valued at $200 got top price of the night at a bargin $120, much to the delight of the buyer.
All up around $1800 was raised, though money is still coming in.

A big thankyou to all the people who came, and a special thankyou to our auctioner Brain Bee, our adult arrtists, Jenny Price, Laura Wilson and Sarah Simmons, the San Hill winery for the donation of wine, our banking officer Theresa, the teaching team and of course all our wonderful child artists.
And thankyou to all who said I could put their faces on the blog.