Hunter Park Kindergarten

Welcome to our Blog.

Friday, September 18, 2009


With all approvals granted E- profiles are getting under way. Already we've had five replies to our email and we've managed to get all 5 set up today with a bit of over time.
These e-profiles will be closed to public viewing so only the teaching team and people parents choose to invite will be able to see them.

With final approvals granted we are now at the last step of introducing

What is an e-profile?

An E-profile is an online
version of the profile books we have at kindergarten.

In addition
we’ll also be able to place video clips on them from time to time.

The format will be just like that of the kindergarten blog.

Unlike the kindergarten blog (which is open to the world) only the
teaching team and people using email accounts you nominate will be able to
access it.

With e-profiles you’ll be able to easily upload your own
pictures and stories as well. We encourage you to do this.

E-profiles will allow you to become a follower of your child’s
blog/e-profile, which will alert you when it’s updated.

Later you
may even wish to invite your child’s school teacher, so it can continue on when
they start school.

If you do opt for an e-profile we will stop
printing a black an white copy of learning stories for you, as now you’ll be
able to access full colour digital copies from home or work. We would still like
your contribution about the learning that is happening for your child.

We will however still keep a colour hard copy in your child’s
profile book at Kindergarten.

How do I get one?

If you
would like your child to have an e-profile, please send us a reply email with a
list of those emails you would like to have access to your child’s profile.

You will need to sign up for a google account for each of those
emails. (This is easy and quick, and we can help if you have difficulties.)


As we get your replies we will start to create and
set up the e-profiles over the next two months and link them to our blogsite for
easy access.

We will also have blogging workshops to help you

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