This term we will be focusing on the virtues of Perception, Beauty and Creativity. We've already been researching various philosophies to find out what beauty is.
On the subject of philosophy we've just spent the last week
relooking at our own philosophy statement responding to a challenge from our education manager.
Things we might include in our kindergarten's philosophy statement include why we were set up, what we want to achieve and what values are really important to our service and community. If anyone has and thoughts on what we should include in our philosophy statement, do let us know.
This term we
farewelled last terms reliever Michelle off to a
permanent appointment at Ellen Stevenson, and welcome Becky back who will be relieving till a
permanent teacher is appointed.
I was lucky enough to have a principle roll in Oliver over the holidays,
thankyou to everyone for your wonderful feedback on how well this went.
Sonya our student from Auckland University will be with us till the 20
th of August when Elsa from
EIT will be joining us til
l the end of the term as our new student teacher. Sonya's been introducing lots of ideas on recycling and papermaking.
This week we've been celebrating
te wiki o
te reo Māori, more news on this to come.
Last week we had a workshop with the wonderful Tanya
Batt on storytelling and movement, a big
thankyou to our hosts
Waipawa kindergarten.
Over the term break we enjoyed our conference with many interesting speakers including a presentation we did on blogging and e-Profiles. We will also be presenting to our school and
ECE colleagues at the Transition /
ENET group on the 12
th of August.
I've also been asked to help out with the high school science fair so I won't be here next Wednesday.
We have lots of new faces who've been settling well, welcome to all our new friends and families.
We also had many visitors, Bridget a student from St Josephs researching our history for a school project, new enrolments and children coming in for transition visits, do pop up.
Speaking of visitors we'll be welcoming the team from
ERO near the end of the term and
Zappo will be returning to present his show in the last week.
This term there's a couple of minor trips we'll look at. We've been invited by
Cefyn to visit his art studio at
Pukeora, we'll try to link in with school to view their performance for the
Ngati Whai festival, and we expect to head out to the
Our fundraiser for the term will be an Art Auction, probably on Thursday the 23rd of September.
Hopefully I'll have the final figures for the
Hangi fundraiser next term. The final plans are nearly ready!