Hunter Park Kindergarten

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Little Rockers

Following on from our Ukelele work I've been putting out a Ukelele and playing my own one. I usually get joined by several children one after the other and I take them through some easy ukelele chord songs. This afternoon I did some blues freestyling and was joined by Emily. She had her own song she wanted to sing, and when this ran out of steam I stepped in and it became a turn taking jam. Hugo M and Savannah Joined us as well, then Ryan stepped in and later Gareth.

They all had some great moves. Aware of the noise factor we moved to the other end of the kindergarten and I did try some quieter tunes about trees and how kind and gentle mums are, but this wasn't to be. I demonstrated how to work what was happening or said around us into tunes and rhyme. As we lost steam I suggested we could watch some rock videos on Youtube. The children agreed and Emily specified girls, so I found Blondie and the Bangles, Ryan enjoying the boys on the guitar with Blondie.

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