Hunter Park Kindergarten

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Another interesting radio broadcast
Here's a radio podcast on children and their viewing online, their virtual worlds and advertising exposure.
They mention the nag factor- pesterpower. It does go both ways though, my daughter asks for a premium account, I ask she earn credits (as a form of pocket money first) when she has enough I'll get premium for her, but she can only use it if her room is tidy. We also discuss her choices in spending credits she earns. Unlike real world toys, virtual toys don't make a mess on the floor.

For those interested in making their own music I would recommend trying the 14 day free trial of Mixcraft 4, a very fun and easy to use music programme, similar to garage band on mac. You pick your instrument, put in the notes, add other tracks, record yourself on a track, then listen to how it sounds and play around with it.

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