Hunter Park Kindergarten

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tainga Whutu pōro Rugby Tackles

A lot of boys were wanting to rough and tumble, so we got out the rough and tumble mats. We rough and tumbled for about twenty minutes then the children shifted the play to tackling each other and running, so we got out the tackle bag shape. Soon a few others shier than the originals and three or four of the girls eyed it up and decided they would have a go too. In the end even Adrianne did. (Hmm the video seems to have quietened the explosion sound effect for her picture :( )
As we tackled Harriet, Jimmy and Annalise turned up with their cameras, along with Sharon, making a photo op of our training session. Annalise also wanted a turn so I managed to snap one of her, while I held the camera for her. As an extension for Harriet I helped her make the video at the end.
Tackling is an extension of rough and tumble involving movement and timing, essential skills for music and dance, so I decided to try out my new mixcraft software and compose a sound track for them. (Well really because I really, really wanted to try it out.) Mixcraft lets you select instruments and enter in the notes for them, even record your voice, it's a lot of fun and uses a lot of sampled rather than synthesised sounds. You can download a two week trial off their site. The original had 8 times the size of the whole finished video, so I may have lost some quality.
It takes courage and practise to throw yourself at a tackle bag and not get hurt, and to be honest in some cases it took courage to stand there with it and be tackled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice tackles!!! Future ALL BLACKS!!!